Saturday, 27 June 2020

Gujarat Atmanirbhar Yojana : New scheme for subsistence farmers, so much assistance per cow

Gujarat Atmanirbhar Yojana : Download Application Form pdf and Official Paripatra - New scheme for subsistence farmers, so much assistance per cow. Matter of providing maintenance assistance for a cow to a farmer family engaged in full natural farming based on indigenous cows in the year 2020-21. Government of Gujarat Department of Agriculture, Farmer Welfare and Co-operation - Gandhinagar Date: 26/06/2020, Gujarat Resolution of the Department of Finance on "Self-Reliant Package" Date: 05/06/2020 Introduction: Government of Gujarat Effective Agriculture Management for Farmers in the State, Reduction in Uncertainty of Agricultural Production Attempts are made to reduce agricultural costs and increase farmer's income.

In response to the call to double the income of farmers, the state government has implemented various programs, schemes or campaigns, among which the emphasis in the budget for the year 2020-21 is on promoting natural agriculture. Natural farming is based on the basic principles of nature through cow dung and cow urine. Farming at low cost, making it yourself through natural materials without taking input required for crop growth. Subsistence costs for a cow to a farming family based on indigenous cow based full natural farming for the purpose of increasing soil moisture storage capacity, fertility and productivity capacity, negligible production cost, higher cost, water saving and protection, nutrition and breeding of environment and human health. The proposal for administrative sanction of Rs.5,00,000 lakh for the new matter of the assistance scheme was under consideration by the Director, Consensus and State Nodal Officer, letter No. 1


At the end of the adult deliberation, Resolution No. (2) was read in the year 2020-21 to revive the state's economy in the adverse economic situation arising out of COVID 19 epidemic for a scheme to assist a farming family with a subsistence cost for a single cow under a new natural farm. As per Gujarat self-reliant package announced from Rs. It is decided to give administrative sanction to spend Rs. 66.50 crore (Rs.

The scheme is to provide Rs. 900 / - per month (within the annual limit of Rs. In which all the farmers of the state will be eligible for the benefit.

(1) In case of any accidental death of the cow or if the beneficiary has sold the cow or given it to someone else and does not own the cow, the taluka / district soul office should be informed immediately and the assistance should be stopped. Otherwise the amount received will be recoverable.

(2) At any stage after the application is approved, it will be known through Atmana or other government staff that even if the applicant does not engage in natural farming or does not have a native cow, the assistance will be stopped with immediate effect.

(3) The grant of this scheme shall be allotted by the State Government to the Director, Consensus and State Nodal Officer, Atma through the Director of Agriculture. Grant received by the Director, Sameti and SNO, Atma At the district level, the grant will be allotted to the Project Director, Atma for his performance.

(4) Targets will be allotted from the state level considering the number of talukas in the districts and the extent of natural agriculture.

(5) The Project Director, Atma shall send the Certificate of Grant Utilization (UTC) in the prescribed form to the Director, Samati, Gandhinagar in a timely manner as well as perform detailed accounts and audit of the expenses incurred.

(6) Financial payments must always be made through ECs (Electronic Clearance Service) / RTGS / DBT.

(7) Changes or guidelines made from time to time on I-Farmer portal as required will also be applicable for the implementation of this scheme.

(8) For the implementation of this program, the application form on the i-farmer portal as well as the ancillary forms shall be prescribed by the Director of Spirit.

(9) The list of beneficiaries of the village shall be published on the gram panchayat chora.

(10) The contingency cost of this scheme shall be borne by Atma Yojana / Sameti Revolving Fund.

(11) The expenditure incurred under this sanction shall be subject to the limits of the grant allotted by the Department of Finance from time to time subject to the budgetary provision of that year.

(12) Adequate budgetary provision shall be made for the present work subject to the prevailing rules in the current and next financial year.

(13) Expenditure in this regard shall be made in the prescribed manner in accordance with the provisions of the Standing as well as from time to time applicable resolutions / circulars and rules of the State Government.

(14) The principles of financial fairness shall apply to the costs incurred in making this approval.

(15) Grants allotted under this sanction may not be used for any other purpose. If any amount is saved at the end of the year, it has to be returned.

(16) The prescribed terms and conditions of the scheme shall be strictly adhered to.

(17) In the present work, in the tender processing, the instructions given from time to time regarding the tendering of the resolution dated 22-11-2006 of the Department of Industry and Mines of the Government and the instructions from time to time shall be strictly followed.

(18) Strict adherence to the existing norms and procurement policies of the State Government regarding procurement to be made under this sanction.

(19) Applications for BTM / ATM approval should then be sent to the Project Director, Atman with recommendation.

(20) The Project Director shall, within the target limits of the eligible applications received by the Spirit, make verification and approval orders on the basis of conditions.

(21) If more applications are received than the target, they will have to be approved by randomization (draw) as per the method of iKhedut portal.

Procedure for payment of assistance

(1) Approved beneficiaries will have to deposit quarterly assistance amounting to Rs.

(2) April-June quarterly maintenance costs in July, July-September quarterly maintenance costs in October, October-December quarterly maintenance costs in January and January-March quarterly maintenance costs in April.

(3) From the date of approval of the application, maintenance expenses of Rs.900 / - per month for the available period of that quarter will be paid.

(4) Every three months, Gramsevak / BTM / ATMA will have to submit a certificate stating that the cow survives with tag and the beneficiary is engaged in natural agriculture, on the basis of which the project director Atma will have to pay quarterly assistance. If the farmer does not have a cow during the inspection and does not engage in natural agriculture, the assistance under the scheme will have to be stopped.

(5) Considering the number of applications, Project Director Atma will be able to allot Gramsevak / BTM / ATM operations.

Scheme Review:

At the district level, the scheme will have to be reviewed every three months in the meeting of the District Atma Governing Board (AGB) and every six months in the State Committee meeting. General terms and dialects:

If any beneficiary has availed the benefit of this scheme and is found to be using chemical fertilizer, immediate assistance will have to be stopped.

The controlling officer of the scheme will be the Director, Consensus and State Nodal Officer, Atma at the state level and the Project Director will be the Atma at the district level.

The scheme will be under the control of the Director, Sameti and State Nodal Officer, Atman. If any question arises regarding the implementation of the scheme, the final decision on interpretation / technical matters will be taken by the Director, Consensus and State Nodal Officer, Atman in consultation with the Additional Chief Secretary (Agriculture).

The project director, Atma will have to maintain a register at the district level with the details of the beneficiary name, village name, account number, amount of assistance, year of giving the benefit etc.

Receivable assistance will be discontinued in case of death or sale of native cow or discontinuation of natural agriculture and re-application when another cow is reared and natural agriculture is done.

Eligibility of Farmer Beneficiary under the scheme:

(1) The applicant farmer should have a native cow with identification tag at the time of application and should be doing natural farming with his dung urine or the benefit will be available after doing natural farming.

(2) At present farmers engaged in natural agriculture and master trainers prepared after training in natural agriculture, if they meet the eligibility conditions, they shall be given priority in the approval.

(3) The benefit of this scheme will be available to the farmers engaged in full natural farming based on native cows in all the lands held by the farmers having native cows (except foreign cows like Jersey and HF). Calves are not counted as cows,

(4) Under this scheme, one beneficiary per account (as per sample number 8-A) will be eligible for assistance.

(5) The applicant farmer should have received training in natural agriculture from master trainers of natural agriculture.

Beneficiary's application method

(A) The applicant farmer will have to apply online to the Project Director, Atman on the iKhedut portal. Online application can be made at village level through e-gram center or wherever there is commuter-internet facility. In addition, if the applicant submits the physical application to the concerned office, the office will have to submit the application on the portal till the portal is open within the time limit.

After applying online, the applicant should get the printout of the application, sign it / thumb print it and submit it to the office of the Seja Gram Sevak / BTM) ATM / Project Director - Atmani along with the following necessary supporting documents.

(A) The applicant obtains a printout of the application and signs / thumbs up the required supporting documents such as

(1) 8 - A copies

(2) Consent form of other account holder if joint account holder

(3) A copy of the bank passbook / canceled check should be included and submitted to the BTM / ATM / Gramsevak of the taluka on day-7.

Procedure for verification and approval of applications:

(1) Received applications should be inward and verified by BTM / ATM for primary (instrumental papers).

(2) Eligible applications should be sent to the concerned Seja Gram Sevak for on-site inspection and verification of cows and for tag verification and verification of natural agriculture. And the District Project Director, Atma will have to report it.

(3) The Project Director, Atma shall ensure that the inspection is carried out within the time frame prescribed by the Gram Sevak. Gramsevaks will have to verify the applications within the time limit and submit them to the BTM / ATM along with their verification certificate. After receiving the applications verified by the Gram Sevak at the taluka level, the eligibility / non-eligibility of each application will be determined and accordingly the status of the application will have to be updated in their login account through BTM / ATM in i-farmer portal.

Eligibility of the above beneficiary, procedure from receipt of application to approval, general conditions and bids should be strictly enforced. Expenditure in this regard will be borne by the following budget head.

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Gujarat Atmanirbhar Yojana Application Form pdf