Sunday, 5 January 2020

BHASHADIP SOLUTION STD-5 (WEEK-4) | Bhashadip book solution 2020 download pdf

STD 5 Bhashadip book solution week-4. You can download bhashadip book solutions for STD 3 to 8 all standards available pdf here. In primary schools STD 3 to 8 all standard bhashadip book activities day to day. Bhashadip activities  all days and all week solution  created by students. This bhashadip solution is very useful for all schools, teachers and students. Bhashadip all materiel available here

Bhashadip  book solution for STD 3 to 8

Bhashadip solution for STD 3
Bhashadip solution for STD 4
Bhashadip solution for STD 5
Bhashadip solution for STD 6
Bhashadip solution for STD 7
Bhashadip solution for STD 8

Subject: Human Management Resource Service (HRMS) within the whole education.  As stated above, the deputed, contract based and outsourced personnel are operating from the state level to the district, taluka, cluster and KJBV under the entire education.  All these employees must have a database.  With that in mind, this office is planning to build Human Management Resource Service (HRMS) software in the near future.  Which will be a beneficial factor for the use of office and employees.  In this regard, the software has to fill in the information of all the employees working from the BRC, CRC, URC, district / corporation to the block level, at the cluster level as well as the KGBV based contractual and outsourced under the entire education system in your district.  For this purpose, a single sheet of information will be prepared and sent to the district by this office.  The above information should be filled up by the Block MIS and Data Entry Operator at the block level and sent to the district level.  The Assistant District Co-ordinator at the district level will then verify the information received and send it to the office by DPC with the help of Assistant District Co-ordinator: MIS.  While recruiting the above information, be careful not to leave any deputed, contractual or outsourced employee under any education in your district.  As well as this information you have to send the letter in a day-3.

Bhashadip solution for week by week 

Bhashadip book solution week 1
Bhashadip book solution week 2
Bhashadip book solution week 3
Bhashadip book solution week 4
Bhashadip book solution week 5
Bhashadip book solution week 6
Bhashadip book solution week 7
Bhashadip book solution week 8
Bhashadip book solution week 9
Bhashadip book solution week 10
Bhashadip book solution week 11
Bhashadip book solution week 12
Bhashadip book solution week 13
Bhashadip book solution week 14
Bhashadip book solution week 15
Bhashadip book solution week 16

should be considered in Rule-1. Rule-1 of the Gujarat State Service (Discipline and Appeal) Rules. The committee will not conduct. The applicant is not required to report the reasons for such cases in detail, but "the Committee of Secretaries investigating the merits of the case does not find the case against them to be conducted under this scheme," the committee will record its record, and Such cases will be known. (1) If the education recommended by the committee is acceptable to the officer / employee, it means that after receiving written consent from them, the committee shall order a small punishment. (1) After considering the record of the inquiry and the presentations of the officer / employee, it is the opinion of the Committee that if the concerned officer / employee does not need to be punished, the Committee orders to be "acquitted" to them. If the committee finds it appropriate to drop the allegations or warn the accused, the committee will be able to take such a decision if the chapter is final. (2) Upon receipt of the order of the committee, the concerned officer / employee of the administrative department or the department of the head shall make formal orders for impeachment / acquittal (to amend the charges). (2) An indictment has been given for the proceedings of a major punishment or a minor punishment, and the committee may have taken action in it, but both parties do not agree to the standard of punishment or

Bhashadip All standard solution 

Bhashadip solution download pdf
Bhashadip solution 2020
Bhashadip solution first week
Bhashadip solution second week 

BHASHADIP SOLUTION STD-5 (WEEK-4) | Bhashadip book solution 2020 download pdf