Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Jan Dhan account holders can find out their balance by missed call

Yeas, Just by making a miss call you can know whether the money came in your Jan Dhan account or not. Jan Dhan account holders can find out their balance by calling 18004253800 or 1800112211.

The Jan Dhan account holder can know about his balance by calling 18004253800 or 1800112211. This facility can also be availed by the account holder of SBI Bank of India by calling 9223766666 from his registered mobile number. Now that the lockdown has been announced, the central government has announced financial assistance under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. Due to this the bank has made this facility available for the convenience and convenience of its customers.

Jan Dhan account holders can find out their balance by missed call

Such account holders also have to go to the bank branch to know whether the amount of aid has been received in their bank account at a time when the government of India is announcing financial assistance to the working class, the extremely poor and needy during the lockdown announced due to the Koro epidemic. As a result of which more hid deposits are made in the bank and also the rules of lockdown are violated, in such a situation, a special miscall facility is very useful for Jandhan account holders. Such people can get information about the amount in their account by making a missed call to the helpline number given by the bank. However, for that, your mobile number must be registered with your bank account.

Miscall facility to know the balance of State Bank of India (SBI)

State Bank of India (SBI) has provided this facility to its account holders for convenience and convenience. Any Jan Dhan account holder of the bank can know his account balance by calling 18004253800 or 1800112211. Account holders do not have to go to the bank or make an entry in the passbook. You will have to call the given bank numbers from your registered phone number. Will get information about your five transactions at a time rather than a miscall. Apart from this SBI account holders can get more details about this by calling 9223766666 from their registered mobile number. Even if your phone number is not registered with the bank, you can register it. See the details below for that.

How to register a phone number in a bank?

If your phone number with your account is not registered with the bank, you can register it yourself at home. All you have to do is message 09223488888 and get your number registered with the account. In this message you have to write and send according to the following template.

Exa. REG AccountNumber

Lockdowns have been declared in countries around the world to prevent the current global epidemic caused by the coronavirus infection. In India too, amid a lockdown, the central government announced financial assistance for poor families under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana (PMJDY). According to the announcement, the central government will deposit 500-500 paise in the bank accounts of the account holders for the next three months. And which has even begun. The first installment was also credited to the account holders' account on April 3.

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