(NTSE) National Talent Search Scholarship Examination-2021 ; Syllabus, Exam Date, Eligibility, Merit List, Result
राष्ट्रीय प्रतिभा खोज छात्रवृत्ति परीक्षा-2021 National Talent Search Examination | ntse exam 2021. NTSE Exam 2021 - National Talent Search Examination: NTSE or National Talent Search Examination is a national level examination conducted by the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) for awarding scholarships to the meritorious students studying in the classroom. NTSE is conducted only for class 10th students and the exam is conducted in two different stages - Stage I and II.
वर्तमान में कक्षा -10 में पढ़ रहे छात्रों के लिए; वर्तमान शैक्षणिक वर्ष 2021 में कक्षा 10 में पढ़ने वाले गुजरात के प्रत्येक बच्चे को इस छात्रवृत्ति का लाभ मिल सकता है।
जिसके आधार पर अगर छात्र परीक्षा में पास हो जाता है तो उसे रुपये की छात्रवृत्ति मिलेगी। 15,000 / - प्रति वर्ष कक्षा में। 11 और 12 और रु। ग्रेजुएट और पोस्ट ग्रेजुएट में 20,000/- प्रति वर्ष।
फॉर्म भरने की तिथि: दी गई वेबसाइट से छात्र dt. 9/06/2071 से 9/10/2071 तक ऑनलाइन आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
छात्रवृत्ति परीक्षा के लिए पात्रता, शुल्क, परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम, दस्तावेज, कार्यक्रम और अधिक जानकारी के लिए निम्नलिखित वेबसाइट खोलें।
વિડીયો જુઓ
National Talent Search Scholarship Examination-2021
For students currently studying in Class-10; Every child of Gujarat studying in class 10 in the current academic year 2021 can get the benefit of this scholarship.
On the basis of which if the student passes in the examination then he/she will get a scholarship of Rs. 15,000/- per annum in class. 11 and 12 and Rs. 20,000/- per annum in Graduate and Post Graduate.
Form Filling Date: From the given website students can download the dt. Can apply online from 9/06/2071 to 9/10/2071.
For scholarship exam eligibility, fee, exam syllabus, documents, schedule and more information visit the following website.
NTSE Application Form: Apply here (starting from 29/09/2021)
ntse exam 2021
NCERT has announced the date of NTSE 2021 Stage 2 exam on the official website. The exam will be held on October 24. Earlier, the exam was scheduled for June 13 but had to be postponed due to growing epidemic conditions.
All the States and Union Territories successfully conducted the NTSE Exam 2021. The NTSE Result 2021 has been declared separately by all the States and Union Territories between March and June 2021.
NTSE Exam 2021 Overview:
Overview of NTSE Exam 2021. All the States and Union Territories successfully conducted the NTSE Exam 2021. The NTSE Result 2021 has been declared separately by all the States and Union Territories between March and June 2021.
Exam Name : National Talent Search Examination (NTSE)
Organizing National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT)
Exam frequency once a year
Apply online
Off Fly Exam Method
Exam duration 4 hours (2 hours MAT and 2 hours SAT)
NTSE 2021 Exam Important Dates:
Notification Date: 17/09/2021
NTSE Application Form Start Date: 29/09/2021
Last date of NTSE application form: 25/10/2021
Last date for submission to DEO office: 03/11/2021
Exam Date: 16/01/2022
NTSE 2021 Important Dates
NTSE Scholarship Information
Scholarship of Rs.1250 / - per month is given for class XI to XII. 15000 per year.
2000 / - per month for undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships. 24000 per year.
For PhD, the amount of scholarship is determined according to UGC standards.
NTSE Exam Eligibility Criteria 2021
NCERT has fixed age limit for students to appear in the examination. Candidates must be under 18 years of age (as of July 1, 2021).
NTSE Eligibility for Phase 1 (State Level Examination)
Candidate should be 10th standard student from any government / private school in India.
There are no residency restrictions. Candidate can be from any State / UT of India.
Candidates studying in Open or Distance Learning are also eligible to write NTSE 2020, if they are under 18 years of age, not employed and appearing for the 10th standard board exam for the first time.
NTSE Eligibility for Stage 2 (National Level Examination)
Only students who qualify in the first phase (state level examination) are eligible to appear in the phase 2 examination. Candidates selected by NCERT will be given details of roll number, place, date of examination through its official website.
NTSE eligibility for students abroad
Indian students studying in 10th standard or abroad are directly eligible to write Phase 2 (Level II Examination) and are exempted from Phase I examination.
The candidate should have scored 60% marks in the previous year's annual examination.
The candidate must appear for the examination at a center in India.
Candidates should make a request through the head of the institution where he / she is studying, along with a certified copy of the Class IX marksheet. The request should reach the Head, Department of Educational Survey, NCERT, New Delhi by 31st December of the year concerned.
The selected candidate will get the scholarship only when he decides to study in India.
NTSE Application Form: Apply here (starting from 29/09/2021)
NTSE Exam Instruction: Download
Interested students can contact the State / UT Officer to get the NTSE application form. The filled application form should be well signed by the school principal before the last date of submission. No application will be accepted after the last date for submission of application form.
How to fill Nline NTSE Application Form 2020-21 (Step 1)?
Some states released the Phase 1 NTSE 2020 application form through the official website. Students who meet the eligibility criteria can fill up the NTSE Phase 1 application form 2020-21 in online mode. They will have to upload the documents certified by their principal for principal online NTSE registration 2020-21. The steps for filling up NTSE Form 2020-21 are given below.
Step-1: Visit the respective State / UT website sebexam.org or click on the relevant link from the table above.
Step-2: Select the NTSE section available on the home page and click on the NTSE 2021 application form.
Step-3: Enter the student's name, date of birth, gender, gender, mobile number, educational details, family income and much more in the online NTSE Form 2021.
Step-4: Upload the scanned photograph, signature file and other documents as required.
Step-5: Pay the application fee (if applicable) through online mode.
Step-6: Download the filled NTSE application form 2021 and submit it to the school. After reviewing the applications, the school head / principal will send the form to the State Liaison Officer.