Friday, 19 August 2022

Anabolic Steroids.

About Anabolic Steroids.

Other-Nomenclature Commonly used in a terms-Steroids, ‘Roids’, juice, hype, weight trainers, gym candy, Arnold's, stickers, Pumpers

Anabolic steroids can be a produce power-packed, adrenaline–pumping performances but they also a reflect to a saga of the condemnation and shame.

'Anabolic' - Greek - 'Build up'

Anabolic steroids, also known as a Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids (A A S), belong to the family of the steroid hormones and closely resemble in the male hormone, testosterone. They are quite different from the contortionists widely used in the treatment of the asthma.

Anabolic steroids help to the build up cellular tissue, especially in the muscles, by a increasing in their protein content and in this process is a referred to as anabolism. These drugs in a conjunction with a adequate diet, and high intensity work- outs, build muscle mass and the strength besides enhancing in a speed, endurance and stamina. For in this reason they are very popular among athletes, body builders and the weight lifters.

Anabolic steroids were first artificially synthesized in the 1930 s. Recently, they have a found good use in the treatment of the chronic and sometimes terminal conditions such as a AIDS and Cancer and in the treatment of the individuals in whom in the male hormone testosterone is a produced in a low quantities.

There are several variations of the anabolism steroids of which testosterone is the most potent, determining even the level of the aggressiveness in a person. This hormone is a produced in a males and females, but in a small quantities in the female.

Mexican Steroids are anabolism steroids that are made in a Mexico and sold in other parts of the world, besides Mexico. The majority of these Mexican steroids are veterinary steroids intended for a animal use and hence they are called “Mexican veterinary steroids”. However, they are extremely popular among body builders because they are among in the cheapest anabolism steroids present in the market.

The Mexican pharmaceutical companies are producing in these anabolism steroids are focused on a earning money and tend to the compromise on the quality of the drugs. As a result they are cause illness or a infections among in the gullible athletes and fail to the provide them in the intended benefit. The government of the Mexico however is now establishing modern pharma companies with an a eye for a quality, in a keeping with a international standards.

હેલ્થ ટિપ્સ:સૂવામાં ઓશીકું ન લેવાના છે પણ અઢળક ફાયદા, અનેક બીમારીઓ થાય છે દૂર અહિથી વાંચો સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી

Several of these synthetically manufactured anabolism steroids are banned by a almost all sports organizations because they have a several adverse side effects.Besides, in  their mode of performance remains unclear. Physicians in the US are not a allowed to prescribe these drugs for a non -medical purposes. However, in their illegal use continues despite in the fact that the sporting career of these sportsmen can be a irrevocably destroyed if caught.

There are more than one million users of the A A S in the USA alone several of whom are teenagers.

Some of these drugs are also a manufactured indiscreet laboratories across in a Europe and South America, which then find in their way to the American black market for in the people who are require them.

Some of the banned drugs are include Boldenone, Androstenedione, Testosterone, Dromostanolone, Dihydro-testosterone and Methenolone.