How To Link Pancard with Aadhaar card
Link Pancard with Aadhaar card :The last date to link the Aadhaar and Permanent Account Number (PAN) has been extended by the government until 31 March 2023. Earlier, the last date was 31 March 2022. However, fines will be levied in case individuals do not link the PAN and Aadhaar by 31 March 2022. In case the PAN and Aadhaar are linked between 1 April 2022 and 30 June 2022, the fine will be Rs.500. The fine will be Rs.1,000 if the Aadhaar and PAN are linked from 1 July 2022.Ways to Linking PAN with Aadhaar
There are two ways through which you can link PAN and Aadhaar. These are:Through the Income Tax e-filing website
Sending an SMS to 567678 or 56161
ЁЯУв ркЖркзાрк░ рк╕ાркеે PAN рк▓િંркХ ркирк╣ીં рк╣ોркп ркдો ркиિрк╖્ркХ્рк░િркп ркеркИ ркЬрк╢ે ( ркоાрк░્ркЪ 2023 рккркЫી )
● ркоાркд્рк░ 2 ркоિркиિркЯркоાં ркоેрк╕ેркЬ ркеી ркУркирк▓ાркИрки ркЖркзાрк░ рк▓િંркХ ркХрк░ો
ркдркоાрк░ું рккાркиркХાрк░્ркб ркП ркЖркзાрк░ркХાрк░્ркб рк╕ાркеે рк▓િંркХ ркЫે ркХે ркирк╣ીં ркдેркиું рк╕્ркЯેркЯрк╕ ркУркирк▓ાркИрки ркЪેркХ ркХрк░ો.ЁЯСЗ
Linking PAN with Aadhaar Online ( Through the e-filing Website)
Step 1: Visit Income Tax Site by clicking on the link
Step 2: Under ‘Quick Links’, click on ‘Link Aadhaar’. Provide the PAN, Aadhaar number, and name as mentioned in the Aadhaar card
Step 3: Enter details such as PAN Number, Aadhaar number, your name on Aadhaar, and your mobile number, Tick the square if only the birth year in mentioned in the Aadhaar card, and also tick the box where you agree to get your Aadhaar details validated. Click on ‘Link Aadhaar’.
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ркЖркзાрк░ & рккાркиркХાрк░્ркб рк▓ીંркХ
ркЫેрк▓્рк▓ી ркдાрк░ીркЦ : 31/3/2023
рлж ркд્ркпાрк░ркмાркж ркЬો ркЖркзાрк░ рккાрки ркХાрк░્ркб рк╕ાркеે рк▓ીંркХ ркирк╣િ рк╣ોркп ркдો ркдркоાрк░ુ рккાрки ркХાрк░્ркб ркИркиેркХркЯીрк╡ ркмркиી ркЬрк╢ે.
рлж ркЬેркиે рклрк░ીркеી ркПркХркЯીрк╡ ркХрк░рк╡ા рк░ૂ. 10000 рк╕ુркзીркиી рккેркирк▓્ркЯી ркнрк░рк╡ી рккркбрк╢ે.
ркдркоાрк░ુ ркЖркзાрк░-рккાрки ркХાрк░્ркб
рк▓ીંркХ ркеркпેрк▓ ркЫે ркХે ркирк╣િ ркЪેркХ ркХрк░ો
рлж ркЬો рк▓ીંркХ рки рк╣ોркп ркдો 31 ркоાрк░્ркЪ рккрк╣ેрк▓ા ркЖ ркХાрко рккુрк░ુ ркХрк░ો.
ркдркоાрк░ા ркоિркд્рк░ોркиે рклркЯાрклркЯ ркЬાркг ркХрк░ો
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Step 4: Enter the Captcha code. (Visually challenged users can request for an OTP instead of the captcha code. The OTP will be sent on the registered mobile number)
Linking PAN with Aadhaar by Sending an SMS
To link PAN with Aadhaar by sending an SMS. You need to follow the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Type UIDPAN 12-digit Aadhaar 10-digit PAN on your mobile
Step 2: Send it to 567678 or 56161
Steps to check PAN-Aadhaar status
Given below are the steps you will have to follow to check the status of your PAN-Aadhaar status pre-login:
Step 1: Visit Income Tax Site by clicking on the link
Step 2: Under ‘Quick Links’, click on ‘Link Aadhaar Status’.
Step 3: Enter your PAN and Aadhaar number and click on ‘View Link Aadhaar Status’. You will be able to view the status of your PAN-Aadhaar linking on the page.
You can check the status of linking of Aadhaar with PAN via the SMS facility as well. You will have to send an SMS to 567678 or 56161 in format given below:
UIDPAN < 12-digit Aadhaar number> < 10-digit Permanent Account Number>
If your Aadhaar has been successfully linked with PAN then you will be able to see the message ‘Aadhaar (Aadhaar number) is already associated with ITD database. Thank you for using our services’.
Importance of Linking PAN Card with Aadhaar Card
Both the PAN card as well as the Aadhaar card are unique identification cards that serve as proof of identity that are necessary for registration and verification purposes.
The government has urged all entities to link their PAN cards with their Aadhaar cards. This is being done for the following purposes:
By linking the Aadhaar and PAN cards, the government will be able to keep tabs on the taxable transactions of a particular individual or entity, whose identity and address will be verified by his Aadhaar card. This will effectively mean that every taxable transaction or activity will be recorded by the government.
Link Pancard with Aadhaar card
Important Link:
As a result, the government will already have a detailed record of all the financial transactions that would attract tax for each entity, making tax evasion a thing of the past.
Simply Follow The Below Steps To Check The Status Of Your Pan Card Seeding With Aadhaar.Visit
Enter PAN and Aadhaar Number
Click on ‘View Link Aadhaar Status’
The status of the linking is displayed in the next screen