Monday, 26 June 2023

Videoleap App | Best Video Editor & Video Maker

Clips, reels, shorts editing & maker: effects/filters, green screen, video loop

Start creating & editing amazing videos, shorts, reels, & social media content with Videoleap, the easy-to-use video editor app that lets you transform and edit videos into professional-quality clips in minutes. Add artistic effects, mix videos with images, and layer editing. Create video content for your small business, increase your social media following, or create aesthetic stories, shorts & reels, easily.

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Not sure where to begin? Browse other users’ content and find the perfect video template to create your vision. With Videoleap’s ready-made video templates, effects and simple video editor tools, you’ll be able to make professional-grade videos, reels, shorts and stories, instantly.

Whether you’re a social media pro or a beginner, Videoleap has something for everyone. Edit movies and stories, apply edits to reels, create YouTube shorts or films for Instagram, YouTube or TikTok, or fit your videos to a desired format with pro-quality video editing tools. Apply 24fps video filters, green screen compositing and more to create movies.

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Edit Videos with Professional Tools:

– Green screen editor/chroma key compositing: switch backgrounds and add effects on videos, reels & shorts
– Edit/cut video clips to format: easily resize or trim your videos to fit any format and place them on a blank or customized colored canvas
– Add images or intros: enhance videos with images or intros without a watermark
– Intuitive timeline with zoom: frame by frame video editing
– Rotate or crop: Adjust the orientation or size
– Slideshow maker: make a video slideshow with music in moments
- Video speed editor to speed up videos or add slow motion; blur or zoom in to add more dimension to your clips

Elevate your SMB:

– Get your content noticed on social media by promoting & editing reels with Videoleap’s Reel maker & editor
– Save time by editing your video ads with one-tap business video templates
– Create impressive ads with easy graphic design video templates & editing tools for your reel, clip, or story

Get Inspired with Feed, Templates, and Shorts & Reel Editor:

– Recreate the Reels trends you see on social media with your own videos
– Discover shorts & reels templates used by others to create their video content
– A template reveals the behind the scenes of each attention-grabbing video, that you can easily apply to your reels, story, or shorts
– Learn on-the-go & create stunning content for your Instagram or social pages
– Understand keyframes, special effects, transitions, and extensive range of editing tools better

Special Video Effects and Filters:

– Blur Video Editor, Prism, Defocus, Pixelate, Chromatic Aberration, and more with our video effects editor
– Text: variety of fonts, emojis, shadows, colors, opacity, and blending options
– Unique, adjustable video filters for every moment

Creative Cinematic Compositions:

– Create double exposures and artistic looks by mixing videos and images together
– Layer-based editing: add and rearrange videos, effects, text and images
– Customize layers with transformation, masking, and blending modes

Precise Video Editing & Rich Capabilities:

– Time lapse video maker- speed up video 
– Slow motion video maker- slow down any video
– Create stop motion videos
– Edit videos by cutting, trimming, splitting, duplicating, flipping, and mirroring
– Apply filters or adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation
– Change aspect ratio and automatically fit clips, or loop videos

Sound Editing:

– Add/edit music & audio
– Control audio volume and speed
– Add audio to video for Instagram stories

Videoleap is a part of Lightricks’ Creative Suite, which includes a wide range of free video editor and image editing apps. Among them:

- Facetune: selfie photo & video editing
- Photoleap: picture editor for blending & animation

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