In WhatsApp you can turn on this feature and send messages that are disappearing through it. Once it is turned on, newly sent and received messages will disappear after seven days. Which also handles all such messages in the current new chat. However, it does not affect any incoming or outgoing message unless you turn it on.
How to Enable disappearing messages ?
You can turn this feature on or off by following the steps below. Understand first that once enabled, messages in a chat will disappear after seven days and cannot be retrieved.
Follow the steps.
- Open your WhatsApp Group chat.
- Tap the name of any Group.
- Tap their disappearing messages.
- If prompted, tap Continue.
- Choose on now.
To Disable disappearing messages
You can turn this feature on or off at any time. Messages sent in the current chat will disappear once. So if you want to stop you can stop by the step of Noche.
- Open your WhatsApp Group chat.
- Tap the name of the Group you turned on the feature.
- Tap on disappearing messages.
- If prompted inside, tap Continue.
- Now select off.
Related resources to learn more about:
➭ How to turn disappearing messages on or off in a group: on Android | on iPhone | on KaiOS | on Web and Desktop
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