Monday, 5 April 2021

Gujarat LTC Cash Package Block 2016-2019 Extension Official Circular

LTC Rokad Package Mudat Vadhara Babat Official Paripatra 05/04/2021. Official Circular on Extension of Gujarat LTC Cash Package Block 2016-2019
  • Resolution no. Of Finance Department of Government of Gujarat for the announcement of special cash package in lieu of Gujarat Government's Vacation Yatra Scheme.  As per the meeting - 102018-13, Secretariat Gandhinagar, Date: 8/12/2050
  • An employee who is an LTC block - 2016-17 suffered, they are not entitled to this benefit.
  • Purchase bill must be from 9-12-2021 to 31-09-2021.
  • An employee who is LTC should be in the name of the beneficiary of the bill relief package.
  • The GST registered merchant's bill is 12% or more GST.  The deductor must belong to the merchant.
  • To submit the bill to the office in total 2 copies.  In which only the original bill of the purchased item has to be sent.  Therefore, there is no question of order and verification of the original bills.
  • The amount of GST deducted for the item purchased should be deposited in the currency by the shopkeeper to the government.  A copy of the currency should be attached to the bill.  If necessary, the original currency will have to be deposited for verification.  Number, date, amount should be indicated.
  • An employee who retires before 7/12/2030 is not eligible for this benefit.
  • Considering the last day of the date of birth after 7/12/2050, if he retires on 31/09/2071 or the previous month, the benefit will be eligible.  But before the date of retirement, the bill has to be submitted to the office with the coding of the KV Principal.
  • Must be purchased digitally.  For which a bank pass book or bank statement has to be specially submitted.
  • The LTC employee who wants to avail the relief package / is eligible to get it, should submit a simple application prepared from here.  A sample with the base is attached below to attach the application.
  • Applications of those teachers who K.V.  The principals gathered together and gave in the day.
  • An approval order will be prepared from the office along with the application and the attached basis.  Which will be given to the employee.
  • Each employee prepared a bill.  Should only be sent through the Principal.  K.  V.  The Principal has to submit each employee wise outgoing number, along with the date, to the forwarding office.
  • The amount of LTC relief package is not counted in income tax.  From which relief has been given,
  • Not for traveling in LTC relief packages.  Just good to report.
  • There will be more than one bill for purchase, but 12% GST on each.  Should be cut.  It is advisable to keep the bill as low as possible, keeping it as long as possible.
  • Any deductible 15% GST can be purchased.
  • Insurance policy policy can be filled for a specific period with 15% GST deduction.
  • The amount of leave received for deposits of 10 or less should be taken into account in the employee's service book.  The cash conversion amount for the duration of the day must be equal to or greater than the amount purchased.
  • The amount of leave received is converted into cash.  The principal has to borrow.
  • The proposed fare is Rs.  5000 / - for one ticket.  According to maximum four tickets (husband and wife, two children should have three times the amount of fur allowance offered + leave salary).
  • Issue no.  Compulsory leave can be converted into cash and LTC to avail the benefits of this package as per 12.  This benefit will be available only when both have to take advantage of the rent.
  • Every KV  The principal appealed to the teachers who want to take advantage of this package to cover the entire KV.  Blending together.  Must be submitted by 2/01/2071.  The basis for connecting the application should be shown below in the application.
  • If both spouses are employed, only one person will benefit from the pack.  Holiday pay If leave is credited, both will only get holiday pay.
  • The leave received in the service book should be credited to get the conversion for cash release.  Getting leave means submitting a certificate from the principal and a copy of the service book page presented.  If necessary, leave should be submitted at the request of the Service Guide for verification.
  • If he entered the job after 1/4/18 and has more than two children, he will be eligible for LTC.  Profits are not recoverable.
  • Must be in full pay before 31/12/2018.
  • The benefit of LTC is up to 3 tickets (husband, wife, two children) should come under the definition of family.  And should be completely self-sufficient.  A copy of the ration card is mandatory.
  • Leave received for 10 days or less will be converted into cash.  Which should be deposited in the leave service book received.
  • The service book will be deducted from the package after taking advantage of it.  To convert the leave into cash, a 15% increase in the basic salary (basic + grade salary) as per the current Sixth Pay Commission and the basic salary should be taken into consideration.
Take full advantage of the package
  • If there is 1 ticket, the cost of 15000 is 10 days salary according to the sum of both)
  • If there are 2 tickets, the price of 2000 is 10 days salary, (cost according to the amount of both).
  • If there are 3 tickets, then 200 days pay (expenses according to both amounts)
  • If there are 4 tickets, the price of 2000 is 10 days salary (both expenses according to the amount)
  • Receipts will be counted as shown in Receipts.  According to which the bill has to be prepared.
Support Annex Support:
  1. Form No. 2
  2. The GST number confirms that the bill is indeed
  3. Digital purchase support.
  4. Bank pass book, bank statement
  5. LTC approval order
  6. Copy of ration card
  7. Employee application
Support for attaching vacation pay bills:
  1. Holiday pay bill
  2. Leave the pay order
  3. A copy of the purchase bill
  4. LTC approval order
  5. Copy of ration card
  6. Employee application
➡️ Download PDF of LTC information