Sunday, 26 September 2021

Schoolo Khulya Bad ni Sthiti Ange News Report

 Schoolo Khulya Bad ni Sthiti Ange News Report

Somebody says that he never did anything wrong in his life, that means he never did anything wrong in his life, he never did anything new.  Making mistakes is not a bad thing, making mistakes over and over again is a bad thing.  You can make a mistake twice, if you repeat the mistake then this mistake is not your wish.

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Both Siddhi and Tika are sisters.  If your achievements increase, then surely your criticism will also increase.  It doesn't matter whether people criticize or praise, the important thing is whether the responsibilities have been fulfilled honestly.

One more thing!  Courage is given to do the work that scares you.  Man is created by his belief, as he believes, so he becomes.  believe in yourself.  Forget what people would say.  Make up your mind without worrying about people so everyone can say "I agree with you"

Try to learn from the bitter truths of the past.  Instead of grieving over what is gone from life, try to handle what is left.  Some re-enter the battle of karma with new hopes, making new plans.

What is lost cannot be found back.  Instead of blaming someone for your loss and seeking revenge, divert your energy towards your purpose.

How will the golden future of the future accept you until you are free from your old sorrows, bad memories of the past?

  everyone has life changing time
  but not from life,
  time to change.

Believe the truth, today a person is less unhappy with his misery and more unhappy than the happiness of others.  Today man is unhappy because he has less but others have more.

Our scriptures call it "jealousy".  This jealousy also sucks blood like a mosquito.  But one difference between the two is that the mosquito sucks the blood of the other.  Living by looking at others is like living by hurting yourself.

To burn at the sight of one's happiness is to burn like a torch, which must be lit itself before being turned into ashes by others.  What you have is undoubtedly enough.

Thank God for what you have, increase your value instead of blaming someone for what you didn't get.  The only condition for you is to stop seeing how much the other has.

Live life consciously, not in competition.

Once a sadhu mahatma was passing through the forest.. then his eyes fell on the calf of an injured cat.. He took pity on the cat and brought the cat with him to the ashram.  I got cured.. Thus the cat became the favorite of the sadhu mahatma.. is not collected by sadhu mahatma.  So the sage Mahatma tied the cat to the rope of the peepal tree in front of him.  When he came out of meditation, he would open the cat.  Thus the sage Mahatma used to do this while meditating every day.

In course of time, the sage Mahatma died.  And the other took his place, as a rule.  The cat also died the next day after the death of the sage Mahatma.  Thus the person sitting on the throne of the sage Mahatma in the ashram had to meditate.  .. that other disciples said that the Mahatma used to tie the cat under the poplar tree in front of him while meditating and Pachiz was sitting in meditation..

Hearing this, the new Mahatma sitting on the throne ordered the cat to be brought.  So the disciples of the ashram caught a cat from a nearby village and brought it and tied it under a tree and then the maharaja meditated.  tied up?  Under the tree.?  And what was the reason?

In this way many traditions have come in the society..when we ask what is the purpose behind doing this work?  Let us tell that our grandparents used to do this years ago... so we have to do the same..

There is a reason behind something happening.. It is important to know what is the truth..

 Schoolo Khulya Bad ni Sthiti Ange News Report

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